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The Guermantes Way
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The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

26 October 2011

Opening Observations

So, I've successfully started 1Q84, but I have a good amount of school assignments right now, so the process is a little slower than I'd like! They say you do not know an author until you have read all their works, and having read most of Murakami (essentially everything except short stories), I think I can safely say that his style is strangely consistent in most of his writing. Maybe more like amazingly consistent; Murakami manages to seriously unnerve me every time, and his writing does not get old. Otherwise meaningless details seem to carry heavy implications, and characters are constantly stating the obvious in a manner that leaves me feeling like something strange is happening. I have never been sure if this is a product of the translation or perhaps an essence of Japanese culture I am not privy to. Regardless, the novel's tone is both eerie and expectant. Also, with a hell lot of navy blue, a mysteriously reserved teenager, and nice suits-there's no question about it, 1Q84 is pure Murakami!

Haruki Murakami is definitely one of my top favorite authors. I was in my senior year of high school when I had to read samples of an assignment that called for the student to write in the same style as the work being discussed. The one I read was on The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and I instantly knew I had to read the real book. I started with Dance, Dance, Dance, though, and am happy I did. Vivid and metaphysical, it was a great introduction to his more ambitious works.
I started reading multiple of his books in a row, even once or twice needing to take a break from the unsettling feelings "too much Murakami" gave rise to.

Now to be a good student and write an essay! At least it's on Japan!

1 comment:

  1. Caro! I love reading your blog. I wish I could read as much as you. Keep us updated on the new book!


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