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14 December 2011

My Intro to Discworld!

Hey, again! I'm writing to update you all on my journey into Pratchett's Discworld! (Obviously) I ended up deciding to continue The Color of Magic and leave V. for later, and I finished it earlier today. The book was really short, around 200 pages, but from start to finish hilarious and enchanting. I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn't this. It reminds me of The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy, which I also loved much more than I thought I would. I remember when I read Good Omens, I loved how the dialogue was what really made the characters seem so real, while also being nearly constantly funny. This is true here, too! I wanted to read the book out loud to play out the dialogues, I could hear these characters in my head so well. 

Well, one last thing before I go! A small, fun coincidence I noticed is that in Against the Day there is an obvious and recurrent motif of the fourth-dimension, being time in that instance. In Color of Magic, the fourth dimension is talked about a lot, too, but in this case it's magic! Small connection, but one nonetheless :). 

Goodnight, happy readings and happy holidays!!

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