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14 January 2012

Short Update on Freedom

Hello, again. I am now about 200 pages into Freedom and have just a few things to say about it. This post will be really short!

1. I don't love it. I like it enough to keep going (for now...), but there is something about it that is so depressing, a little offputting. Maybe it's the main character, Patty, who depresses me, or her weird friends, or the way Patty messes with her husband-to-be. In this, it reminds me of a book called Crossing California, by Adam Langer. The way the characters are described is also very similar in a way that's hard to explain. The dialogue, the music everyone listens to, the intense views of all the characters (oolitical, religious or otherwise). I don't know if I am properly portraying the style of these two books (of which Freedom is "better"), but suffice it to say that I don't love it.

2. More coincidenences! a character in Freedom was reading V.!

3. Have a nice long weekend (Martin Luther King Day is this Monday!)

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