Reading Now

The Guermantes Way
A Clash of Kings
The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

17 July 2012

Lit Pics!

Hey guys! Here are some pictures from what and where I've been reading lately!
Reading w/ a cold in bed

My bookplates

Case of Charles Dexter Ward on Kindle

Went to Home Depot with my boyfriend and found all these free paint color samples...they work perfect for bookmarks :)

Swann's Way w/ bookmark

I really love Jasper Fforde and wanted to include a picture of all the books of his I have read, all on the Kindle! 

My favorite device, decked out with stickers ;)

I named my first Kindle The Page Master, and after accidents, etc., I am on his second descendant.

Reading-walk with Alex and Proust

Title Page


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