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24 January 2012

One Ring to Rule Them All

I'm back! I've been so excited to share how my Lord of the Rings experience has been. Of much more depth than I was able to appreciate the first time around, LOTR instantly captured my full attention with just how immediate and terrible the danger upon Frodo and all the happy hobbits is. Though I knew from before how intricate and detailed the Tolkien's world was, it still surprised me. I am probaby going to write up a crazy list. Although there is an intense index in the back of my book, it's very frustrating and intrusive to keep going back to the index, then the pages referenced, then again find where you left off. So, a list shall be made! 

This is not a book told from any one character's perspective, which adds to the formal tone of the narrator. This probably bored me, along with the First Book being choke full of landscape descriptions that relied a lot of terms I couldn't picture (blame this on me living in a very flat place). The frequent insertion of lyrics probably threw me off a bit the first time, too, as I've had enough lyrics with Pynchon; this time I love them! They're more like poems, anyways, to a reader, and the story itself seems to have quite a few passages that sound very poetic. 

There is a lot to take in while reading this book, that's for sure. I love it and read it as often as I can! So far, I am in the Second Book of the first volume. Till next time!

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