Reading Now

The Guermantes Way
A Clash of Kings
The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

My Reading List

A Home for Mr. Biswas
White Teeth
Infinite Jest
Broom of The System
Pale King
Patron St. Of Liars
Martian Chronicles
House on Borderlands
To the Lighthouse
Dance of Dragons
Body Artist
Wuthering Heights

SCHOOL YEAR (August, 2011)
After the Quake
Raw Shark Texts
Power of One
The Fall of Giants

START AVID READER BLOG (September, 2011)
The Jungle
The Book of Lost Things
The Green House
Breakfast for Champions
Long Day's Journey Into Night
Good Omens
The Marriage Plot
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Against the Day
Color of Magic
The Light Fantastic
Doctor Zhivago
Lord of the Rings
Death in Venice and Other Short Stories
The Unconsoled
The Arabian Nights
We Need to Talk About Kevin
The Magus
Cold Mountain
The Tale of Genji
The Meaning of Night
Swann's Way
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Glass of Time
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Bloom

FALL SEMESTER (August, 2012)
Gravity's Rainbow
Heart of Darkness
In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd
Mrs. Dalloway
In the Time of the Butterflies
Pale Fire
Cloud Atlas
St. Mawr
Something Happened
Ninety-Two in the Shade
The Woman Who Died a Lot
The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao
A Million Heavens

The Guermantes Way

The Shelf: Books on the Blog